Add mapping to shipping account field



  • Official comment
    Jacob Hutter

    Good Afternoon Spence,

    Thank you reaching out to ShipWorks Forums, allowing us assist you with configuring this functionality into ShipWorks!

    In order to implement your request; We will be utilizing our Actions, with Run a Command task to initiate a query that will migrate Shipping Account information to the appropriate fields in ShipWorks. This feature can be automated as well!

    I have created a support ticket for us to further communicate, and formulate our action plan, moving forward.

    Thank you, Spence,

    ShipWorks Support

    -Let's Do It!


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    Todd Witchen

    I have the need to do the same thing.  I am downloading the account number using an ODBC connection but there is no Account field I can map it to so I am storing it in one of the Custom Fields.  I need to map the data from the Custom Field into the Recipient Account field.


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