
Jacob Hutter

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Latest activity by Jacob Hutter
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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Hello Missy! ShipWorks is always expanding features and growing in optimization. Feature Requests, like your post, are what help keep this process relevant and fresh. Allow me to send in a Feature ...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Hey Kory! Thank you for addressing your request with the ShipWorks Forum. Being able to provide a current Order Status, for your customers to initiate, is a great idea. I have opened a ticket for u...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Hey! Including the Order Number, the 'Ship To', and the Requested Shipping (With Carrier) in the Pick List is 100% able to be configured. I have created a support ticket for us to further communica...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Hey Rick, Let's get that 'Rates' display back, and in the same panel! There's two routes we can take. Route One: Show Rates to be displayed for Orders awaiting Shipping -Official Answer Route Two: ...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Hello Jason, Thank you for letting us know about this download issue! Fortunately, we currently are not experiencing any bugs from eBay. Allow me to create a ticket for us interact with, get to the...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Thank you for reaching out Michael!   I have transferred your code to my ShipWorks, and exported orders from multiple stores. I am facing the same issue that you are having, although I do have a co...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Thank you for reaching out, Pierre! This is a great idea, and I've already started working on the code for implementing the order information within the Email notification. Moving forward, I am cre...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Genuinely, thank you again for your incredible advice, Andrew! That is a great idea! After further research, I have engaged in a ShipWorks Feature Request for optimization with our Action Banner fu...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

    Andrew, let me get in touch with our team to implement an action plan for optimizing our Action bar. For it being an action error notification, this function should not be blending in to be overloo...

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    Jacob Hutter commented,

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    Nathan, I'm glad you're as excited as we are to have the return of the Forum! Thank you for the useful and helpful suggestion. This is 100% possible. We will definitely be adding this to our Forum...