Product catalog into report...
So I have been trying to think of the best way I can track my actual profits by making a report that I can print out that has headers of SKU, Order total, Shipping Price, Cost.
I currently have a report that prints out SKU, Order Total, Shipping Price.
The question is, is it possible to add custom fields (which I see attributes) in the product catalog and have them added to a report? So in theory, I would add an "attribute" of cost to each of my products and then somehow pull that over to my report. If I can't do that with attributes would I be able to pull over a different field like "declared value" or something we aren't using that I could supplement as cost.
Thanks for any info
Thank you for utilizing our forums. I am excited to see that you are taking advantage of the new products and features that ShipWorks has to offer.
I would like to dive deeper into your report to see what we can spin up for you. I am going to create a support ticket and have one of our Support team members reach out and see if we can get the report to your exact liking.
Thanks again,
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