Address Validation Stopped Working



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    Greg Bentkowski

    It gets better, I went back to my orders and when I click on the details in the shipping form it says I am having trouble loging into my account, I need to call customer service.  But yet, all order still download from the marketplaces just fine.

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    Yup.   Broken here too.   It seem that "authentication failed" but the software doesn't give any context as to what this means.

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    Greg Bentkowski

    I think they are having issues this weekend.  Especially if you are having the same issue as I am.  Lets give them time to figure it out.

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    Jeffrey Armendinger

    I've had the problem since Friday afternoon. I had to manually fix it by opening each order, deleted one character and then adding it back, and then validating the address again. This validated the address for the order. I had to do this for about 20 orders Friday afternoon, but it is going to be a very tedious process if I have to do this for every order that came in over the weekend for Monday's orders. Hopefully they fix it by Monday morning.

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    Greg Bentkowski

    Im shipping my orders without the verification.  The amount of not valid address is low anyway.

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    Kathy Kenworthy

    We had same problem with address validation over the weekend. For a few hours today, the address verification worked fine but now it is broken again.

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    Caller +61 411 617 828

    We apologize for the inconvenience. The Address Validation issue has been resolved. All new orders should validate as expected. For any weekend orders that were affected, we have created a work around that requires a slight modification to the address, allowing ShipWorks to revalidate. We recommend simply adding a comma at the end of the address.

    If you have any issues with the revalidation process, contact us at or call us at 800-952-7784. We can remote in and assist you.

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    It's still not fixed.  I just tried again at 2:04 EDT and I get the same error.

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    Viri Kozma

    Hello Sirikaan,

    I will be creating a support ticket so that we can look into your issue as other customers have reported that the issue has been fixed. It might be that the orders downloaded before the issue was fixed and we just need to apply our workaround.

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    Greg Bentkowski

    AS of 2:23 EST, my orders are being validated properly.  The issues still remains with any order that had been downloaded prior to the fix.  Not an issue for us at this time.

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    Kathy Kenworthy

    Well, it was working for about an hour.  As of 2:55pm EST, it is broken again. New orders coming in Invalid. We have to manually re-validate each and every one. Very frustrating and time-consuming.

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    This is still not working for us.  Is anyone else still experience a problem?  How can this still be out after 2 days?

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    Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed, Authentication Failed,...........How can this go on for three days?

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    Viri Kozma

    Hello Michael.

    We apologize for the inconvenience. The Address Validation issue has been resolved. All new orders should validate as expected moving forward, if your orders are still downloading with an "invalid address" message that might be caused to a background process that needs to be ended from your computer. I have created a ticket on your behalf and one of our representatives will contact you ASAP to take a look at the error message you are experiencing.

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