Branded tracking page



  • Official comment
    Jacob Hutter

    Hello Missy!

    ShipWorks is always expanding features and growing in optimization. Feature Requests, like your post, are what help keep this process relevant and fresh.

    Allow me to send in a Feature Request for a branded Tracking Page, as well as for the ability of a live tracking status from within our Software.

    This would allow us a proper trigger, for our actions to initiate an automated 'Delivered' Email.

    A brief workaround..

    Although this is a somewhat manual process, we could:

    1. Add a local status of 'Shipped - Delivered'
    2. Create a 'Delivered' Email
    3. Set up an Action that Automatically sends the Delivered Email upon a local status that equals 'Shipped - Delivered'.

    In this case, you could:

    1. Engage in the track shipment function, via the Ship Orders window > Tracking tab, or by Right Clicking the order with shipment > 'Track Shipments' option.
    2. Verify the current status
    3. If status is delivered, set the local status to 'Shipped - Delivered'
    4. Through our Automated Action, the Delivered Email would be sent from setting the status, alone.

    Your post is the best route, but this is just one idea to work with in the meantime. We can continue to brainstorm ideas, as well.

    Thank you for reaching out to ShipWorks' Forum!

    -Let's Do This!


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    Rhett Roeth

    Yes, please!!!

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    Gerald C.

    Hey Rhett.

    Thank you for posting on our forums. While we don't currently have this feature available within the software, I want to reassure you that all Feature Request are received and acknowledged.  I will shoot an email to you so I we can discuss in more detail on what exact behavior you would like to see. 

    Thanks again,

    Gerald C. 

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    Terry Beasecker

    We are also interested in a package delivered email. We would like to see an automated email "Your order has been delivered".

    We already have an action "Your order has shipped" and it would be nice to follow-up with the customer with a second email when it is delivered.

    This functionality is available with both UPS Worldship and with ShipStation for example. Is this feature being planned yet for ShipWorks?

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    AJ Meyer

    Hi, Terry - 

    Thanks so much for reaching out on our forums! ShipWorks does not currently have this functionality, however I have added your information to the Feature Request. 

    I will reach out in an email to see if you have any other questions.

    Have a great day! 


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    Nathan H.

    We currently do this on an internal dashboard but we could make some changes to make it public facing as well.

    We have a live scan-by-scan dashboard of all open tracking numbers (Returns and Normal shipments).

    We currently DO NOT send the email saying "Package Delivered", but it would be a simple addition.

    For anyone wanting to do the same thing, we accomplish this with Python via the Flask framework and run reporting analysis on it using Power BI.

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    Ray Luna

    That scan dashboard sounds like a great idea.

    If you're using Python, am I right to assume you're using the USPS API to pull the tracking status periodically and display it via Flask?

    I have to try that. 

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    Nathan H.

    You would be correct.

    I store the data pulled from the FedEx, UPS, and USPS API's (every 3 hours) in a separate table in the ShipWorks database and display it via Flask.

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    Ray Luna

    OH! Do you write directly to the ShipWorks database then? 

    Are you doing this through an action written in Shipworks, to execute the code to add to ShipWorks in the Shipment table?

    I'm currently working on getting it to work, but I was planning on a separate Python table copying from ShipWorks, Python using the USPS API, then PowerBI displaying the data from the Python-facing database joined with the ShipWorks table. 

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    Nathan H.

    I do write directly to the ShipWorks Database but its a separate table from the ones that ShipWorks installs.

    I pull the Tracking Numbers via SQL Query from the [Shipment] table with other various joins to filter specific orders that I want to track.

    I get the data via the Python Requests library using the Carriers's API's and store the results in a table.

    I then use Flask to display web pages and the underlying data is created via Python executed SQL Queries from the ShipWorks Database.

    The queries that we use in PowerBI are similar to the queries that we use in the Flask deployment but they are more modular for better relationship handling in Power BI.

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    Ray Luna

    Thanks! Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I really appreciate your help. 

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